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I’ll try it before you buy it. Let me be your first stop to get all of the inside info. Guns, ammo, accessories, events, find out about it here first. If you don’t see it here feel free to let me know about it and ill get it here and review it.
"Silverback" is a mindset that compels you to crush everything in sight (Goals, Obstacles, Competition). It is balanced with the "P.E.A.C.E." thought process, Positive Energy Always Creates Elevation!!! Yin and Yang
FFL / Gun Shop
We work closely with the class 3 gun shop SilverbackGunsAndAmmo.com and always have fresh guns for cool content. Make sure to stop by and shop !!!
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Tune in to our YouTube Page for info on the gun industry, everything 2A and much more. How to videos, reviews nd so much more!!!
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Silverback Reviews
“A well regulated militia being necessary for the security of a free state; the right of the people to keep and bear arms Shall not be infringed”
Silverback Reviews’ sworn duty is to uphold the second amendment by keeping the “Well Regulated Militia” educated trained and fully staffed.
Not only is this our Right but our duty to protect the state from all threats foreign and domestic.
Our Amazing Team
You are only as strong as your weakest link and our links are strong!
Kenneth Echols
Editor/ Photographer
The pen is mightier than the sword and this one is battle proven.
Donte Adams
Ever ready and capable he has all the right angles. Before he’s through you’ll see things from his perspective.
Nathan Mitchell
Owner / Photographer
Photographer and valued member of the team Nathan is always there at a moments notice. His sharpness and focus is unmatched.
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